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I'm a driven individual. I used to say impulsive, but now I know this has been the key to past success. I want to create ideas that that put people in action or an enabler that finds untapped potential.



We can take action now to ensure a better present, through discipline and organization, people can do so much more. Everybody contributes in ways that alone we are blind to.  I desire to build community action around ideas that employ and showcase natural strengths of communitie areas. we have to rise to more than the occasion, we have to rise to our feet if we want to  take our future in a new direction. 

An Entrepreneurial Focus Keeps Me Relevant and Engaged.

The Business Club gave me the opportunity to learn from the many accomplished alumni of Messiah Colleges, and provided space to compete in ethics debates and business competitions.

A creative outlet for me was my role as Vice President of the Marketing Club. Planning events that created networking among students, faculty, and alumni was a fast paced and rewarding experience!

My involvement with the Student Government Association was a path that I never intended to pursue, but the growth from this role been transformational. I have grown in confidence and been able to impact student involvement in a positive way that will have a lasting impact beyond what I can envision now! My two-year role as the Vice President of Organizations has pushed my comfort zone and developed critical communication skills.

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