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Why I'm Blogging? It's Marketing!

Have you ever been talking on the phone while at a basketball game? Chances are you have, but it is more of shouting than talking and you only heard half of what the other person was saying. Sometimes that’s how I feel about marketing, you are trying so hard to get your voice and brand out there but it gets swallowed up by the noise of everything else that is out there! I am taking the time to write this blog not to be known as an expert blogger and writer, but because I want a place that holds me accountable to reading and learning more about the subject. I want to be disciplined to learn and dig deeper into concepts and ideas that trigger my interest!

If no one reads and repost my blog, but I have learned to communicate ideas and concepts more clearly through writing than I have succeeded. Overtime my perspective will change and my writing will improve, as I use this space to grow I hope to discover resources and other blogs that will enhance my skillset.

The subject of marketing is a vast topics that reaches many aspects of business and non-business areas alike. Today the success of organizations is dependent upon relationships and the personalization of brands. I am not talking about the ability to monogram your L.L. Bean tote bag or that when Old Navy sends you an email your name is in the subject line, I am talking about the relationship. What are the underlying features of that business that attract and keep traffic coming back to their brand time after time? That is what I want to talk about.

Weather you realize it or not, your business has a brand. Are you even aware of what it is saying or do you have control of it? Is your brand cutting through the marketing noise or is it being swallowed up?

If you cannot answer the questions I just asked than would I suggest reading, ”Brand against the machine” By John Morgan. Each chapter of this book is a quick read that helps to evaluate and examine the brand that you may not even be aware exist. Mike Michalowicz wrote, "John Morgan's book is the ultimate branding wake-up call for any business. Your brand is about to take a double shot of espresso... wish a few sticks of TNT to stir it up."

Peace out, Brook Trouts

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