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Timing Your Content. Do Not Burn Out!

With such little time and customers and potential leads eating your content up as fast as you can put it out there, how do you maintain a standard of quality in your created content? It’s a question we all have faced as we have worked to promote our brands and communicate the benefit to the consumers. The secret to being able to produce content that is both useful and serving a purpose, is to plan and schedule a timeline that enables you. The first mistake markets make on any scale whether corporate or family business is to take on everything all at once.

First, Identify where you customers are. Do they use Facebook? Or are they part of the younger crowd and really involved with Snap Chat? Do your readers take time to read and subscribe to a blog or do they prefer email?

This will help you to prioritize your content and identify the type of content you are creating.

You should sit down and realize:

Facebook should have 1 to 2 post per day… It’s okay if you repost an article or link you did not actually write. It is also important that you respond when anyone comments or post on your account. Your profile looks like a ghost town when you just push out new content but don’t react to the feedback. Don’t kill the point of social media, it is a two-way street!

Twitter really should post 2 times per day… The key is to use #hashtags to organize your post into streams where your target audience is. Social Media Examiner explains that 1-4 Tweets per day is the "tweet" spot... And tweeting too often can actually hurt your engagement levels.

Pinterest is odd, you can add to your link creation whenever you have new cool products. But it is also important to just stay active and organized! After all, that is exactly what Pinterest is; organizing beautiful photo links by category!

Blogs should be steady, find a pace that is right for you. It can be as frequent as once a week or even just once a month. Make sure to let patrons know how often you’re posting, and how they can know there is a new post. Always encourage blog readers to get on your mailing list so they can be informed of your next publishing. This call to action is a great way to further build connection and report with the reader as you can offer a discount or a premium just for signing up! It is a great way to add added value or a surprise offer!

Try to position yourself as the customer, put yourself in their shoes. How do you want to be communicated with? Do you enjoy spamming? Do you follow a brand just so they can constantly sell to you the next big offer? Chances are the answers no.

Take time to create special offers, such as videos that add value to your product or demonstrate it in a new light. Use different mediums to tell a different story. This can create multiple messages for the same target market but sound completely different because you used Facebook to tell the message instead of a mass email.

Something we should all be aware off is that infographics are on the rise. Marketers are using them like crazy to create inbound and outbound linkage to sites. This helps your website improve its quality score with Google and boost organic search results. Infographics can be done cheaply, but they are something that is worth you putting the right amount of time and effort into if you truly expect them to have a positive Return on Objective. ***I apologize for the long break between post, as a recent college graduate and a trip to Nicaragua could slow any of us down!

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