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3 Ways to Start the Journey to Inbound! It's In You!

I am HubSpot certified and you should be too! I recently have finished my HubSpot inbound marketing certification. As I previously have mentioned through my blog, I am not sure how affective the certification will be in my job hunt. In my mind it will convey that I took advantage of an opportunity and took the initiative to learn. I learned a lot by the way and it really has reinforced my thinking that inbound marketing for a brand is really what can create a community around a brand.

Three quick steps to inbound!

Establish Goals – The most effective inbound marketing efforts are those most tightly aligned with an organization’s business goals. Are there strategic or business plans that drill down to marketing and sales goals? Are they specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timebound? This can be the hardest parts to do, but if you sit down and plan it will provide guidance and the content will better fit into your marketing mix. Establish goals for each medium you use. Do you have goals for the Twitter account and Facebook pages? Your should!

Buyer Persona – Who is are your buyer? What “trigger” gets them to first start searching for a solution that your company might be able to help with? What do they expect from you and where is your brand positioned in the buyers mind? Why might these buyers not buy from you? How do they go about researching a solution like yours and ultimately make a decision? Think about McDonalds, people do not go there to buy a pizza, they know McDonalds is a burger restaurants. Therefor the buyer expects McDonalds to sell burgers!

Go get check in to make sure you are doing all that you can so webtraffic can find you and not the other guys!

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